The checkRequest() function will throw an exception if the XMLHttpRequest object has not been created or if the request has already been sent. 如果还没有创建XMLHttpRequest对象,或者已经发送了请求,那么checkRequest()函数将抛出一个异常。
The scope attribute tells Struts how long the ActionErrors, created by handling the exception, should be saved ( session or request). scope属性告诉StrutsActionErrors(在处理异常时被创建)应该被保存多长时间(会话或请求)。
But instead of sending any response to the client as a result of the exception, the request is held in a queue of pending Continuations, and the HTTP connection is kept open. 但是发生该异常之后并没有将响应发送给客户机,请求被放到处于等待状态的Continuation队列中,而HTTP连接仍然保持打开状态。
But with the exception of a small handful of employers who specifically request this, this is no longer done and will come across as naive and annoying to most employers. 但是除了一小撮特别要求这么做的雇主之外,很少有人这样做,而且会让人觉得幼稚、烦人。
An exception occurred during a webclient request. 在webclient请求期间发生异常。
Class exception is thrown when a server is unavailable to respond to a service request. 当服务器无法响应服务请求时,将引发。
Request validation detects potentially malicious client input and throws this exception to abort processing of the request. 当请求验证检测到潜在的恶意客户端输入时,会引发此异常来中止请求处理。
The catalog server threw an exception and could not process the request. 编录服务器产生了异常,无法处理请求。
The catalog server threw an exception and could not process the request. Why does this exception occur in servers? 编录服务器产生了异常,无法处理请求。为什么这个异常会在服务器中触发?
Alright, we will take this transaction as an exception and accept your request, to hold arbitration in Sweden. 好的,我们就破例接受你们的要求,同意在瑞典进行仲裁。
Check the status property of the exception to determine why the request failed. 检查异常的状态属性以确定请求失败的原因。
If a particular embassy or consulate wants to make an exception, they have to request permission from the State Department. 如果某个使馆或领事馆想对谁例外,则必须得到美国国务院的批准。
With the exception of the request processor, each of the servers that make up the ZooKeeper service replicates its own copy of each of components. 除了requestprocessor,组成zookeeper服务的每个server都会在本地备份其它组件的拷贝。
An exception occurred in the service when handling the control request. 当处理控制请求时,在服务中发生异常。